Icon A5 Insurance. Get ready to experience flying like you never have before with the ICON A5. Stunning Founders Edition ICON A5 Previously used as a Demo Unit by ICON.
Parachute In the event of the unexpected there is a whole of aircraft parachute that will float you gently to the ground or water from as a low as a few hundred feet. We offer all of the following services. Our members can build A5 flight time and experience to work towards eventual A5 ownership.
AMATEUR-BUILT AIRCRAFT aviation aviation insurance EAA FAA ICON A5 Jay Leno Contact us.
Fee of 50 to cover insurance and for non-buy-ers a 500 initiation fee. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. LifeStyle Aviation provides turnkey assistance to our clients in the purchase of their aircraft. Pretty cool to see Jay Leno in the ICON A5.